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Pinterest Marketing Strategies

JAMES   |   18th November, 2019   |   809
Pinterest Marketing Strategies

Having a strategy for your Pinterest activities will help you reach your goals and objectives. You have those in place, right? Here are my tips and strategic ways to use Pinterest for marketing:

1. Create boards with keywords in your title
Pinterest has fantastic search capabilities. Help even more people find and your business by using keywords in your board titles. Make sure that you select a category for each board to help people find them and for Pinterest to recommend your board as well.

2. Use the description to spread your ideas
Again, use keywords in your description and keep in mind that people can tweet your pins. The text in the pin description is the tweet so keep it short, interesting, and relevant.

3. Create vertical images to maximize your real estate
Pinterest images should be long and narrow to take up the maximum amount of visual space and get noticed! Look at your favorite pins and see what the images have in common so you see what types of images are repinned and shared. I create images that are up to 735 pixels by 1102 pixels. This creates an engaging invitation to repin your pinned article.

Steps to Pin a Graphic

        Add your custom Pinterest image with your branding and website on it. 
        Add up to 500 words of text to describe your pin using relevant keywords. Remember people tweet                  directly from Pinterest so keep it concise and interesting. 
        Add a link to your blog article or home page in the description.
        Edit the pin to add the link to the source.
        Add up to 20 hashtags in your description

4. Build relevant links back to your website or blog
You have two opportunities with each pin to add your link: one in the description and one in the source for the pin.

5. Embed pins on your blog
Embedding pins on your blog is easy and a great way to get more repins. You can create an embed code on the Pinterest site.

6. Share your pins and boards on other social media channels
Tweet your pin and share them on your other social networks where they are relevant with the help of SEO Experts.

7. Use a 'Pinterest for Business' account for analytics
I like to see what pins are popular and reshare them on other Pinterest boards or on social networks. Once a pin starts getting some interaction, fan the flames by giving it some social love.

8. Rich pins
From Pinterest: 'Right now, there are five types of Rich Pins: movie, recipe, article, product, and place. To get started, you'll need to prep your website with meta tags, test out your Rich Pins and apply to get them on Pinterest. If youre not technical, you might want to ask your Web Developer or site owner to help get you going!'

9. Have a pinnable image on every post that you publish
I love to have a big image or two on every blog post that I publish. I like to create a bigger image of 735 x 1102 because Pinterest loves tall, vertical images. I'll create a big image, pin the large image, and then share the pin with the blog link.

10. Build authority on your topic by curating boards with great relevant content
I have niche boards on Pinterest, blogging, social media that I regularly update.

11. Build interest with a tips board
Joan Stewart, of the Publicity Hound blog, built a beautiful, rich board called 50 Tips for Free Publicity. She created a series of coordinating pins with the same branding and shared her knowledge of publicity. Can you think of a way that you can share tips for your industry?

12. Create collaborative boards
Collaborative boards can help you reach a new group of pinners and have your pins be seen by more people through Digital Marketing Services. You do need to be careful about which boards you join because all the pins will show on your Pinterest presence as well. You can only select the cover photo if you are the owner of the group board. One of my newest collaborative boards is my Pinterest Tips for Success board. All the pinners are fantastic about adding great Content Marketing and sharing their Pinterest skills.

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